Bounce Back From Burnout
You know that video of a kid who’s running on a treadmill and all of the sudden the belt starts moving really really fast ? And the little kid starts crying because she’s running really fast and she’s scared she can't keep up, but she can’t stop running or else she will fall flat on her face…
Yeah. That’s what burnout can feel like.

What is Burnout?
Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands. As the stress continues, you begin to lose the interest and motivation that led you to take on a certain role in the first place.
This can look like work burnout, training burnout, and life burnout.
Signs of Burnout
Burn out can has both physical and emotional symptoms. It can feel like being tired and drained, change in appetite or sleep habits, lower immunity, headaches. Emotional signs of burnout are; loss of motivation, feeling defeated, detachment, incredibly negative outlook, or a reduced ability to do one’s work.
Bounce Back from Burnout
More likely than not, many of us have experienced burnout. So how can we hopefully avoid the complete fiery blaze?
Always seek out help.
If you are able to, seek out a therapist or a counselor who can help you navigate burnout, stress or any other difficulties you might be going through.
Unfortunately, therapy is not an easy or accessible option for many people. But there are resources, practices and tools that may help you bounce back from burnout. Even if you aren’t experiencing burnout, some of these tips will aid in overall physical, emotional and mental health.
Bounce Back From Burnout Tips
1. Physical Self-Care
I always talk about this because it is true.
Have you ever heard of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs? The very base of the pyramid is physiological needs. If we don't address our physical wellbeing, we can’t support all of our other needs. It might feel like being physically active is the LAST thing you want to do when you are going through burnout. But exercise is a powerful tool to help stress and burnout. Doing some gentle stretching, walking for 30 min or even taking 10 min short breaks to walk around can significantly help lift your mood, increase energy, focus, and relax your mind and body.
2. Notice what you are ( or aren’t) putting in your body
It can be easy to grab the quickest meal or the sugary snack that will make you feel good in the moment. Or some of us are so stressed it’s hard to even eat anything at all!
When you feel the burnout coming, arm yourself with nutritious food that is low in sugar, balanced in healthy fats, proteins and carbs. Also, watch out for your caffeine intake. We might feel like we need that extra boost to help us get through the day, but caffeine (coffee) is known for ridding your body of certain essential nutrients that you need. For example, it can rob your body of magnesium. Your body uses magnesium to fight against anxiety and mental health. Instead of grabbing the quad shot espresso and the multiple energy drinks, drink more water and HYDRATE HYDRATE HYDRATE. I know it might be easier said than done, but trust me… your body needs extra love and care when you are on the verge of exhaustion.
3. Change your environment
Take time off. Change up where you are.
This is a tough one. But so so helpful.
Many of us have been cooped up in the same space for longer than we would like. Everything from the house, city, and the state you live in to the weather in your area, the social climate, and your work environment can affect your mental health.
If you are on track and about to experience burnout, try to take a complete break from work. Go on vacation, ask for time off. Ask someone if they can take care of the kids, dogs or anyone you might be taking care of. It might seem impossible at first, but you deserve time for yourself. To recharge so that you can continue being the amazing person you are!
When we get out of our environment we bring variance to our life. New environments, places and people can liven up or life! Now that travel ( for those of us in the states) is looking to pick back up, it might be the perfect time to start planning a trip. Traveling promotes happiness and helps you take your mind off stressful situations. This leads to lower cortisol levels, making you feel more calm and content.
You deserve a break.

Again, if you feel like you are on the verge of burnout seek out professional help if you can!
Everyone’s situation is different and access to self-help resources might be limited, and while there are many additional ways to help deal with burnout, these three tips are what I personally like to focus on when I’m feeling stressed and feel the burnout creeping in.
It might seem impossible at first, but I promise the moment you decide to figure out how to make time for you, and to put your mental and physical health as a priority… you will be able to show up as the healthiest, happiest version of you.
You are worthy of taking care of you!
Lauren Fisher on
Movement is medicine – well said! And thank you for your kind words :)
Anonymous on
Great post Lauren! As a social worker who works in a hospital I can tell you that burnout has been a huge problem ever since everything with COVID starting happening. It’s always a little funny to me how most of us (healthcare workers) know a lot of these ways to try and combat burnout but we are the worst at actually following through. For me personally, I started finally feeling like myself in January when I went back to a gym which I felt comfortable doing as I was fully vaccinated by the 2nd week on Jan. Maintaining relationships has been difficult too and I definitely feel worse when I’m not getting quality time with my close friends.
Anonymous on
Fantastic! Thank you for reminding us on burnout and to recognize and get the resources we need to get through it! We all need to drink more water and walk a little more too! Movement is Medicine! Good luck Lauren!
Anonymous on
I just joined CrossFit about 16months ago. Right before the pandemic hit. The gym I attend in palm desert had zoom workouts and we also exercised outside. We’re back indoors now but my body has had a hard time recovering from the workouts. I’m a nurse and just turned 40, just took a short trip to Yosemite and feel like a need a short trip to Cabo lol. I enjoyed this article and thanks for talking on this topic. I can’t take another mini vaca right now so I’m just limiting the extra activities and trying to rest more also started my first therapy session last Thursday. Thanks for your article I enjoyed reading it.